Даниела Колева / Daniela Koleva

Даниела Колева е доцент в катедра „История и теория на културата“, Философски факултет на СУ „Св. Климент Охридски“. Научните ѝ интереси са в областта на устната история и антропологията на социализма и постсоциализма, биографична и културна памет, биографични методи, социален конструктивизъм. Публикувала е монография върху „нормалната биография“ в социалистическа България (Биография и нормалност, 2002) и множество статии в международни академични издания. Съставителка е на: Negotiating Normality: Everyday Lives in Socialist Institutions (Transaction 2012), 20 years after the Collapse of Communism: Expectations, achievements and disillusions of 1989 (Peter Lang 2011, with N. Hayoz and L. Jesien).

Daniela Koleva is associate professor at the Department of History and Theory of Culture, University of Sofia. Her research interests are in the field of oral history and anthropology of socialism and post-socialism, biographical and cultural memory, biographical methods, social constructivism. She has published a monograph on the ‘normal life course’ in communist Bulgaria (Biography and Normality, 2002, in Bulgarian) and a number of book chapters and articles in peer-reviewed international journals. Last (co)edited volumes include: Negotiating Normality: Everyday Lives in Socialist Institutions (Transaction 2012, forthcoming) and 20 years after the Collapse of Communism: Expectations, achievements and disillusions of 1989 (Peter Lang 2011, ed. with N. Hayoz and L. Jesien). Her current work is on vernacular memory of socialism in Bulgaria, everyday ethnic identities and inter-ethnic tensions in mixed population regions (part of FP6 MICROCON project) and an AHRC/ESRC funded project on religious and secular life-course rituals in the UK, Romania and Bulgaria.