British and American Mass Media
The book discusses some of the most important questions in the development of the mass media in Britain and the USA.
Essays in American Studies: Postmodern Perspectives
Essays in American Studies: Postmodern Perspectives. This is the fifth book in the American Studies Series
Essays in American Studies. Cross-cultural Perspectives
This is the second book in the American Studies Series.
Gendering Popular Culture: Perspectives from Eastern Europe and the West
This course-reader is a useful guide to understanding the meanings and contradictory effects of popular culture and gender today.
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Intercultural Communication. Proceedings of the International Conference of the Bulgarian American Studies Association and the Bulgarian Society for British Studies, Plovdiv 2006
Most of the papers collected in this volume were presented at the International Conference “(Inter)Cultural Communication” which was held in Plovdiv, Bulgaria.
15.00лв.14.25лв. -
Intercultural Communication. Proceedings of the International Conference of the Bulgarian American Studies Association and the Bulgarian Society for British Studies, Plovdiv 2006 (E-book)
Most of the papers collected in this volume were presented at the International Conference “(Inter)Cultural Communication” which was held in Plovdiv, Bulgaria.
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The Gender Frontier in Sam Shepard’s and Marsha Norman’s Drama
This is a parallel study of the functions, meaning and representation of gender in the works of two major contemporary American playwrights.
The Transatlantic and Transitional in a Changing Cultural Context
The present volume comprises of 30 papers delivered at the annual conference of the BSBS and the BASA.
VISUAL WORLDS: The Aesthetics and Politics of Affect
VISUAL WORLDS: The Aesthetics and Politics of Affect
Американската драма на българска сцена
Това е първото у нас цялостно изследване на американската драма на българска сцена от 30-те години до края на ХХ в.
12.00лв.10.80лв. -
Идентичности в преход: род, медии и популярна култура в България
Сборникът съдържа интердисциплинарни изследвания на нашите представи за женственост и мъжественост в периода на прехода.
10.00лв.9.00лв. -
Медиите във Великобритания и САЩ
Сборникът проследява в исторически план развитието на печатните и електронните медии в двата културни контекста.
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