
Gendering Popular Culture: Perspectives from Eastern Europe and the West

This course-reader is a useful guide to understanding the meanings and contradictory effects of popular culture and gender today.

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Автор / Edited by Kornelia Slavova, Krassimira Daskalova

Gendering Popular Culture: Perspectives from Eastern Europe and the Westis a useful guide to understanding the meanings and contradictory effects of popular culture and gender today. The textsin this collectionreveal how popular culture is a dynamic terrain where gender norms and identities are simultaneously produced and contested. The authors explore such contemporary issues as the role of pop music during the Cold Warand the post-socialist transition,representations of procreationin Hollywood science fiction, the visibility of women film-makers, the rise of domestic femininityin the post-communist worldandtheretreatist scenarios for women in the USA,as well as changing models of masculinity. The analysis of a variety of media forms and popular cultural practices such as TV series, soap operas, Hollywood romantic comedies, rock music and “chalga” music, sports, and advertisements raises serious questions about the effects of globalization ongender and sexuality politics in the first decade of the 21st century.

This course-reader is essential reading for undergraduate and postgraduate students of cultural studies, gender studies, media studies, communication studies, sociology and other related subjects.

Contributors: Daphne Berdahl, Ivaylo Ditchev, Slavenka Drakulić, Malgorzata Fidelis, Dina Iordanova, Betty Kaklamanidou, Milena Kirova, Jasmina Lukić, Marika Moisseeff, Ralitsa Muharska, Laura Mulvey, Madalina Nicolaescu, Russel Reising, Kornelia Slavova and John Storey.

ISBN 978-954-796-046-6

Издадена на:2012 г.

Брой страници: 288 с.

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Weight 0.400 kg
Dimensions 12 × 12 × 12 cm


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